Have you ever felt so overwhelmed as you continually put forth your best effort but there is no fruit? How do you continually persevere through that situation? Jeremiah was a prophet given an incredibly difficult call from the Lord. He was called to preach to the people of Jerusalem and call them to repentance. For forty years he called repentance to a people who refused to hear and heed the warnings sent forth from the Lord. He was put in jail, suffered hunger, and faced discouragement. I could not imagine every day for forty years of going forth among a people who refused to turn to their Lord and of knowing the future calamities that would befall them if they would not repent. Jeremiah did this because the Lord commanded him to cry repentance to the people. He obediently went forth and fulfilled all that the Lord asked of Him. That is a demonstration of true perseverance. Merriam Webster defines perseverance as, " continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficult...